Dr Kyriaki Drymoni has a BSc in Geology & Geoenvironment and an MSc in Applied Environmental Geology from National and Kapodistrian university of Athens (NKUA) expertise on the geology and petrogenesis of the Boeotia ophiolitic nappe and the volcanological study of the Santorini post-caldera eruptions, respectively. In 2015, she received the REID Scholarship (RHUL) to conduct a PhD in Volcanotectonics and especially on dyke propagation paths on Santorini volcano and the Aegean. Her research is based on the study of the movement of magma from the source to the surface, and it aims to facilitate our understanding of the fundamental factors which control volcanic eruptions and fracture formations. Her research includes numerical modelling of possible dyke paths in heterogeneous and anisotropic crustal segments and probabilistic modelling of the likelihood of a propagating dyke reaching the surface to erupt during volcanic unrest. The multidisciplinary study also introduces a coupled structural and petrogenetic methodology to study better the formation and emplacement mechanics of dyke swarms and Santorini volcano itself. She gained teaching experience as a visiting teaching assistant in eight modules at RHUL during her PhD and as a sessional lecturer in Igneous petrology, at RHUL after her PhD.
Research Topics
Volcanotectonics - Numerical and analytical modelling
Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks
Immersive VR technology and 3D modelling in Earth sciences
Petrogenesis of Ophiolites
Conference presentations:
Drymoni, K., Rust, A., Cashman, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2020, Emplacement of dyke swarms in regions of multiple caldera collapses: the case study of Santorini volcano, Greece, COV 11.
Drymoni, K., Bonali, F. L., Browning, J., Gudmundsson, A., Fallati, L., Antoniou, V. & Nomikou, P., 2020, Field analysis Vs boat-based photogrammetry derived data in volcanotectonics: an example from the Santorini dyke swarm, Geophysical Research Abstracts. p. 1-2 , EGU2020-12116.
Gudmundsson, A., Drymoni, K., Bazargan, M. & Adeoye-Akinde, K., 2020, Forecasting the propagation paths of fluid-driven fractures, particularly dikes and inclined sheets, Geophysical Research Abstracts. EGU2020-20010.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2020, Spatial and temporal volcanotectonic evolution of Santorini volcano, COV 11.
Browning, J., Gudmundsson, A. & Drymoni, K., 2019, Influence of normal faults on magma propagation with examples from the Hafnarfjall caldera, Iceland, and Santorini, Greece, LASI VI.
Bonali, F. L., Russo, E., Savini, A., Marchese, F., Fallati, L., Nomikou, P., Antoniou, V., Drymoni, K., Di Mauro, B., Colombo, R., Garzonio, R. & Vitello, F., 2019, Learning outcomes from the EGU 2018 Public Engagement grant “Shaping geological 3D virtual field-surveys for overcoming motor disabilities”, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 21, p. 1 , EGU2019-8118.
Browning, J., Mitchell, T., Meredith, P., Cembrano, J., Marquardt, C., Cordeiro, P., Healy, D., Acocella, V., Gudmundsson, A., Geshi, N., Drymoni, K. & Karaoglu, O., 2019, Mechanical architecture and dynamic evolution of caldera faults, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 21, p. 1 , EGU2019-8098.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2019, Modelling of dyke-fault interactions in composite volcanoes, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 21, p. 1
Drymoni, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2018, Dyke propagation paths in heterogeneous volcanoes, VMSG 2018.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2018, Modelling dyke propagation paths in anisotropic successions, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 20, EGU2018-15305.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J., Gudmundsson, A. & Mitchell, T., 2017, Decoding micro-structural damage related to caldera collapse at Santorini Volcano, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 19, p. 1 , EGU2017-13980.
Drymoni, K., Rust, A., Cashman, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2017, Dyke propagation through heterogeneous successions, IAVCEI 2017.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J., Mitchell, T. & Gudmundsson, A., 2017, Exploring the traces of fault-related microstructural damage at the Santorini caldera, AGU FALL MEETING 2017. T21C-1221
Drymoni, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2017, How damaging is caldera collapse for a volcanic edifice? JOINT ASSEMBLY TSG-BGA-VMSG.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J. & Gudmundsson, A., 2017, Structural and petrogenetical insights of the crustal plumbing system on Santorini Volcano, Greece, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 19, p. 1 , EGU2017-13522.
Browning, J., Drymoni, K. & Gudmundsson, A., 2016, A model to forecast magma chamber rupture, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 18, p. 1 , EGU2016-726.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J., Lecoeur, N. & Gudmundsson, A., 2016, Determining dyke-propagation paths at Santorini volcano, Greece, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 18, p. 1 , EGU2016-10408.
Drymoni, K., Browning, J., Lecoeur, N. & Gudmundsson, A., 2016, When do propagating dykes erupt? Insights from a study of dyke paths at Santorini volcano, Greece, VMSG 2016.
Browning, J., Meredith, P., Gudmundsson, A., Lavallée, Y. & Drymoni, K., 2015, Are magma chamber boundaries brittle or ductile? Rheological insights from thermal stressing experiments, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 17, p. 1 , EGU2015-5056.
Browning, J., Drymoni, K. & Gudmundsson, A., 2015, Utilising Geological Field Measurements and Historic Eruption Volumes to Estimate the Volume of Santorini's Magma Chamber, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2015.