Experimental rock deformation, volcano-tectonics, physical volcanology, rock and fracture mechanics, structural geology, geological mapping, hazard and risk assessment, tsunami physics, disaster risk reduction, geodynamics.
Associate Professor - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile - Present
Assistant Professor of rock mechanics - Pontificia Universidad Católica - 2018-2022
Associate researcher - Centro de Excelencia en geotermia de Los Andes - 2018-2022
Honorary research associate - UCL and U. Portsmouth - Present
NERC funded Post-doctoral research assistant in experimental rock deformation; ‘Quantifying the anisotropy of permeability in stressed rocks'
Jan 2016 – July 2018. University College London, UK.
Consultant on a scenario report for earthquake and tsunami hazards in the Indian Ocean.
May 2016. Bournemouth University, UK.
Honorary Research Assistant; ‘Thermal stressing in volcanic rocks’.
Aug 2013 – Dec 2015. University College London, UK.
Ph.D. Geology; ‘Thermo-mechanical effects of magma chambers and caldera faults’.
Oct 2012 – Dec 2015. Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
Advanced Skills Tutor
Dec 2013 – Dec 2015. The Brilliant Club; Widening participation charity.
MSc ‘Volcanology and Geological Hazards’ – Distinction
Lancaster University; Lancaster Environment Centre, UK
BSc ‘Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management’ – 1st Class Hons
Kingston University, London; Department of Geology, Geography and the Environment, UK
2014........................Royal Holloway University of London departmental presentation award
2013........................‘Geoff Brown memorial award’ at the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG) annual meeting
2010........................‘George Raine project Prize’ for the best dissertation in the School of Earth Sciences, Kingston University.
2024........................FONDECYT REGULAR (PI) - OFFSET: On the quantification of Fluid-Filled fracture propagation in complex Stress EnvironmenTs
2022........................FONDECYT REGULAR (Co-I) - Fluid flow at Volcan Nevados de Chillan
2021........................NERC SEED CORN (Co-I) - GEOSAFE
2021........................FONDECYT REGULAR (Co-I) - Significance of fault intersections
2019........................FONDECYT INICIACION (PI) - Mechanical architecture of caldera faults. Pontificia Universidad Catolica and University College London
2016........................NERC Isotope geoscience support grant (NIGFSC). Co-investigator for a project entitled ‘Does sea level influence the eruption frequency of island volcanoes’ with PI - Christopher Satow, CI – Andrew Miles (Kingston), David Pyle (Oxford).
2016........................Early career scientist bursary to attend the IAVCEI CCCW
2015........................AGU fall meeting travel grant
2015........................Euroconference grant
2014........................IAVCEI collapse caldera commission workshop grant
2014........................2 x VMSG travel grants
2013........................Geologists’ association ‘Baker-Arber’ new researchers award
2013........................Kirsty Brown memorial fund ‘The Canary island’s collapsing volcanoes’
2012-2015...............Reid Scholarship, Royal Holloway
2011........................LEC departmental scholarship, Lancaster University
2010........................International mobility bursary for field work, Kingston University
Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Geothermics, Volcanica, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Terra Nova, Bulletin of Volcanology, Frontiers in Earth Sciences: Volcanology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Tectonophysics, MDPI journals, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Engineering, Arabian Journal of Geology, Geophysical Journal International, Advances in Engineering, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Geothermal Energy, Heat Transfer, Geomechanics of the Environment and Energy, South American Journal of Earth Science, Strain, Natural Hazards
Institute of making - UCL
American Geophysical Union
Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group
IAVCEI – Commission on collapse calderas
European Geosciences Union
The Geological Society
The Geologists Association
International Lithosphere Program (ILP Task force II)
Board member of the ISRM commission on Rock Dynamics
Ran and participated in numerous outreach events in association with NEMOH: LMU, Munich; University of Bristol and Royal Holloway, University of London.
Advanced skills tutor for the widening participation charity ‘The Brilliant Club’
Numerous lectures and tutorials at local schools and amateur geology societies throughout the UK.
Participant of the Marie Curie European Union Initial Training Network ‘NEMOH’ workshops on: Numerical modeling, volcano monitoring, experimental volcanology, volcano deformation and inversion techniques.
Guest lecture at Kingston University on monitoring active volcanoes.